POPOPO 포포포 창간호
포포포에서는 한 권의 책을 테마로 현 시대를 살아가는 여성의 이야기를 전합니다. 첫번째 테마는 <이상한 나라의 앨리스>입니다. 엄마라는 새로운 문으로 들어가 마주하게 된 풍경은 원더랜드 그 자체였습니다. 예상보다 더 생경하고 정신없는 일상 속에 한동안 저 자신을 잊고 살았습니다. 아이가 자라면서 선물하는 일상의 크고 작은 행복과 엄마라는 이름이 주는 기쁨은 그 무엇과 바꿀 수 없습니다. 다만, 엄마이기 전에 여성, 그 전에 한 인간으로 ‘나’를 찾아가는 시작점이 포포포가 되었으면 합니다. 지속가능한 매체로 여성들의 잠재력과 재능을 잇는 점이 되기를 바랍니다.
Publication Preparation Edition. Opening
POPOPO Magazine is a platform that connects scattered dots of our world. By doing so we are hoping that each connected dots to become a line, and those lines to connect to form a plane, and eventually create an interconnected dimension. POPOPO Magazine delivers stories of women through a distinctive theme of each issue. Our first theme is <Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland>. The world I faced after opening the door to motherhood was wonderland itself. I lost myself for a while trying to navigate through this unexpectedly unfamiliar and perplexing everyday life. The joy of being a mother and watching a child grow up is a truly grateful feeling. However, I also wish POPOPO Magazine to be a helpful starting point of discovering one’s self as an individual before women or a mother.
Since becoming a mother, I’ve spent a strange time of being called ‘a woman whose career broke,’ or somebody’s mother or wife as the sound of my own name faded away. I wanted to find my name again. Hence, I’ve recorded the kind of yearning that numerous women felt trying to reclaim the names they’ve lost. Just like a toddler taking off the first step, I countlessly fell down, got up, and caught my breath. I dedicate this issue to Bookshop Snail where this project was conceived; small picture book group Dalttong; Community Design Laboratory, the support organization for business of fostering social entrepreneurs; and everyone who breathed life into POPOPO through healing and solidarity.
A simple thought might never make a change. A single independent magazine cannot change the world immediately, but we hope that POPOPO can awaken the potential within of those who are ceaselessly pedaling through time and create a ripple of inspiration to unlock those potentials within each other. In the hope of not losing yourself in any circumstances in life because all of us are precious beings. In the hope to be the reason for discovering your identity and your own name that might have been forgotten and neglected for a while. In the hope that this small flap could present a resonance to women of today. We hope that POPOPO can be an open platform that can discover one’s ability and potential to the fullest. I would like to conclude with the last sentence of Magazine Monocle. -Don’t let the future leave you behind.
section 1 Hey, alice
10 초록의 속삭임 hey, alice / 김다온
24 실과 바늘의 수다 / 김은정
26 일상의 낭만 / 이유정
36 어른이 앨리스에게 / 이윤미
section 2 In my wonderland
42 우연히 맞닥뜨리는 순간 / 한량
64 Wanna Picnic? / 김효정
80 마음을 채색하는 시간 / 김주영
82 순수한 기쁨 ilo iloa / 박향진
section 3 The name of mom
108 오늘의 일용할 맥주 / 황구성영
114 외로움의 바로미터 / 김동희
120 엄마는 프로 N 잡러 / 이수지
128 잠깐 멈춤, 콤마 프로젝트 / 임선하
132 그림과 치유/ 정유미
special thanks to
134 모든 것은 달팽이에서 번졌다 / 여울
136 곰곰궁리, 달팽이책방 / 정유미
책 정보
제작: 포포포
출간 : 2019.05 판형 : 208*158 mm
페이지: 138p
배송 안내
결제 후 3일 이내에 배송이 시작됩니다.
포포포 매거진 창간준비호